Breast Implant

Breast Lift

Breast Lift & Implant

Breast Reduction

Breast Removal (Mastectomy)

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What is breast lift with implant?

Breast volume decreases under the influence of factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and rapid weight fluctuations, and over the years breast tissue succumbs to gravity and sagging occurs. Breast lift is the surgery to reshape sagging breasts for various reasons. During the operation, sagging breasts can be tightened, as well as the nipple can be moved upwards. In the case of sagging skin, the excess skin can be removed to create a tighter effect. At the patient's request and with the doctor's approval, breast volume can be increased by using silicone implants along with breast lift surgery.

Breast lift and implant surgery can be performed on any woman who has completed her body development by the age of 20. No permanent scar is observed during the surgery. The incision for breast lift and implant is hidden in the parts of the body that are not visible.

Techniques in breast lift and implant surgery

Many different techniques can be used in breast lift surgery, depending on the size of the breast, the degree of envelopment, the patient's skin elasticity, and the surgeon's evaluations. If the patient's breast is only slightly sagging, it may be sufficient to leave only a scar around the nipple. If the encasement is too severe, a vertical incision can be made around the nipple as well as along the nipple. If breast sagging is advanced, an incision may be needed in the inframammary crease.

If the breast volume has decreased and the breasts are not full, silicone implants can be placed under the pectoral muscle. Thanks to these implants, both the breasts are straightened, and the tension and fullness are increased.

Is hospitalization required for breast lift and implant surgery?

How the surgical process will go is an important detail that patients worry about. At this point, the things you should know about hospitalization for breast lift surgery are as follows:

  • The surgery should be performed in the operating room environment under the supervision of a medical specialist.
  • After the surgery, the patient is usually hospitalized for 1 day for at least 6 hours.
  • The breast lift and implant surgery takes approximately 3 hours.

Will there be scars after breast lift surgery?

Another important issue with the surgery performed for aesthetic reasons is scars. What you should know about breast lift scars are as follows:

  • Depending on the anatomical structure of the person, scarring occurs in the form of an inverted T or a lollipop.
  • The scars created by the surgery are not permanent. It may become a narrow line over time.
  • During the first 2 months, the scars are clearly visible. Since it is in the bikini area, there is no unpleasant feeling.
  • The scars, which are initially red and clearly visible on the surface, can become a very thin line in about a year.

What are the advantages of breast lift and implant surgery?

Individuals who have completed their body development and body weight are suitable for breast lift surgery. Currently, the benefits of breast lift are as follows:

  • Sagging breasts maintain an upright appearance.
  • Small breasts maintain a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Sagging breasts cause skin rashes over time. This situation can be prevented by a breast lift.

What to do before a breast lift?

The most important detail for the surgery is to choose a specialist. After that, the things to do before breast lift are as follows:

  • All patients over 40 should undergo breast screening before breast surgery.
  • Breast USG and breast mammography should be done and examined under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Smoking should be stopped.
  • Blood thinning medications and teas should not be taken.
  • Vitamin and nutritional supplements should be interrupted.

What should be taken into consideration during breast lift and implant surgery?

There is no loss of sensation after surgery. People should pay attention to the following things after breast lift surgery:

Breastfeeding is possible after breast lift surgery.

The healing period is 2 weeks. A special bra should be worn for at least 6 weeks.
The biggest risk in smokers is the deterioration of the nipple blood circulation. For this reason, smoking should be stopped at least 4 weeks before breast lift and implant surgery.