As we age, changes in the facial area appear as the first signs of aging. Due to gravity, loss of skin elasticity and exposure to the sun, muscles and skin begin to sag. The skin becomes dry, wrinkled, and loses its lustre. Decrease of subcutaneous fat and sagging of soft tissues, lines on the skin, wrinkles and folds begin. When the production of collagen and elastin fibres decreases, skin vitality decreases and the skin loses its fresh appearance, resulting in a tired, aged, and sad face. It is not possible to stop the effects of aging. Thanks to facelift surgery, skin looseness and sagging that occurs after a certain age can be restored and a more vibrant appearance can be achieved. These applications appear as both aesthetic and medical necessity. 

What is facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery is a type of surgery that, as the name implies, is performed on the patient's face to address aesthetic or medical needs. Since it is usually performed in the office for aesthetic purposes, it is beneficial to have facelift surgery performed by a plastic surgery specialist. Facelift surgery is generally preferred based on the following criteria:

  • Removal of age-related wrinkles on the face,
  • Loosening of the skin after a certain age,
  • Appearance of sagging facial skin,
  • Restoration of lines on the face and sagging skin,
  • The fact that the person sees and feels his own face as aged.

In such cases, facelift surgery is the most common aesthetic surgery. There is no need to wait until old age for facelift surgery. It is not correct to speak of a certain age limit for the facelift procedure, whether it is a woman or a man. After all, anyone who feels appearance of his/her face is old may want to achieve better results by undergoing such aesthetic surgeries whenever he/she wants. 

How is a facelift performed?

A facelift is performed by using surgical methods. If the person desires this procedure due to medical necessity or aesthetic dissatisfaction, an examination is performed by a specialist. During such an examination, looseness and sagging deformities of the facial skin are identified. Thanks to developing technology, facelift surgery can now be performed much more easily. 

There is a misconception that only the skin is stretched during facelift surgery. During the surgery, which provides accurate and successful results, not only is the facial skin stretched, but all layers of the skin are reshaped in 3D. Attention is paid to the following practices:

  • Connective tissues under the skin are intervened.
  • Mimic muscles are intervened. 
  • Tissue that has been loosened downwards is gathered.
  • Tissue under the skin is reshaped.
  • A 3D arrangement is used to achieve the patient's desired appearance. 

Is a facelift permanent?

Facelift surgery is an aesthetic procedure that has a permanent effect. Generally, the results of a facelift last for 7 to 15 years. However, the following factors that influence the durability of facelift surgery are also important:

  • The person's skin structure
  • The skeletal structure of the person
  • The technique used in the facelift surgery
  • The experience of the plastic surgeon performing the surgery
  • The technological devices used in the facelift surgery
  • The living standards of the person concerned

When does facelift surgery heal?

The facelift recovery process varies depending on the variety of aesthetic procedures applied to the patient's face. After comprehensive facelift surgery, bruising or oedema on the face begins to heal within 48 to 72 hours. After the oedema is gone, the full recovery process can take up to 10 days. 

What to look for after facelift?

After a facelift, people may worry that they will not be socially acceptable for a long time. However, thanks to the latest technological equipment and endoscopic surgical methods, the recovery process for such surgeries takes a very short time. Hospital stay after facelift surgery is usually set at one or two days.