French Lift – Medical Practices in Turkey

The French Lift is one of the most popular non-surgical facelift techniques in Turkey. Sagging occurs in the connective tissues and muscles due to the loosening of the fibres caused by the decrease in collagen on the face, the face features are aesthetically beautified by giving the person a younger and tighter appearance with spring thread or dynamic lifting method, as another name for it, in order to remove wrinkles and to reduce sagging. The French lift method preserves the person's natural expression by not preventing facial expressions and movements.
It is also called French lifting, thread lifting, or "spring thread", although they have different names, the process and process are the same. French lift is a procedure recommended for people who want to lift their face without surgery. It has been the saviour of those who are hesitant to undergo surgery because of its long-term effects. The French lift is designed for people who have fully formed facial features and have reached the end of their adolescent years. It is generally desirable to have the French lift after the age of 30. It was created in 2006 with biomechanical studies in France and received an award in 2009.

It is not necessary to use it only on the face and around it. There are also different application areas such as neck lift, leg lift, breast lift. However, this application is preferred more frequently. The French lift may not lose its activity for many years.

What is French Lift?

French Lift stands for facelift. A French lift is recommended for people who want a facelift but don't want to have a surgery as part of the procedure. Since the surgical method is not applied, it is a temporary method, but it has a long-term effect. After the effect wears off, you can have it applied again. Although it is advertised as a painless method, people who have done lifts may experience localized low-level pain.

How is French Lift Applied?

A French lifting procedure requires extreme caution. The doctor must be cautious and experienced throughout the procedure. Therefore, the choice of a doctor is of great importance in operations such as the French lifting. The French lifting procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour. For this procedure, the patient is given local anaesthesia. Threads are placed at right angles after anaesthesia. The inserted threads are stretched and released; no stitches are required, and there are no scars. The healing process is very quick, and the person can return to their normal routine in 1-2 days. People with a French lift should exercise caution following the application. This focus is on how people take care of their faces. Minor swelling and pain are common in the first few days.

What is the Age Range for French Lift procedure?

The French lift is suitable for anyone between the ages of 30 and 60. The minimum age recommended by experts is 30, this is because the facial features of the person are fully grown and the adolescence period is completely over. A facelift, with or without surgery, is not recommended for people whose facial features are still in the development phase to have a facelift with or without surgery. French lift is also done for reasons that occur in later ages, such as eyebrows droppings, face sagging, and dynamics loss of the skin.

Advantages of Dynamic Lifting

Dynamic lifting, also known as French lift, has more than one advantage. An award-winning technique, the French lift has become increasingly popular in recent years. The advantages of dynamic lifting, which gives effective results without surgical intervention, are as follows:

  • It is a long-term application with a long-lasting effect.
  • There is no surgical intervention, scar or suture.
  • No pain and aches are felt.
  • When the procedure is followed in a reliable clinic, the healing process will be quick and almost without complications.
  • It creates an aesthetic appearance by giving the person a young and dynamic image.
  • It provides natural rejuvenation without damaging the person's facial expressions.
  • It is in biocompatibility with the human body.
  • It can be applied on many different parts of the body, not just the face.

The above are just a few of the benefits of dynamic lifting. In order to experience these advantages and more with the dynamic lifting application. The application should be carried out by a doctor who is specialized in the field of application in a clinic with the necessary technological equipment. Necessary tests should be done on the person. After the application, the person should be properly informed about the maintenance process. With our expert and assertive physician staff, we successfully perform the French lift application in our clinic, which has the latest technological equipment.

Does the French Lift Hurt?

French lift is a painless operation. People who want a French lift are given local anesthesia during the procedure. It is also possible to apply full anaesthesia according to the request of the person. Swelling, pain, redness, itching, and bruising in the area where the French lifting procedure is performed are possible side effects. Dull aches usually follows swelling and bruising. The safe application of methods recommended by the specialist, such as cold compresses, will suppress the side effects.

How Long Does the Effect of the French Lifting Operation Last?

The French lifting has a five-year average effect period. Within three weeks of its application, the lift can be fixed. It maintains its natural appearance for 5 years after the lifting procedure is completed.

Is French Lift Harmful?

First of all, as in every application that is unprofessional, unhygienic, not in the safe hands of a proper clinic and a specialist, French lifting procedure in the wrong hands can have disastrous aesthetic and health consequences. May have side effects such as facial distortions, mimic disappearances, etc.
However, we can guarantee the aesthetic application we make as Attelia Health Tour. We promise you a perfect aesthetic appearance as a clinic with the best doctors and the highest quality materials. Facial oedema or bruising are possible side effects of the French lifting procedure. These symptoms are only temporary and are caused by the healing process. In such cases, it is necessary to communicate with the specialist who performs the French lift and narrate them process. Although the French lifting is a tried and reliable method, any aesthetic procedure can result in unexpected outcomes.

Dynamic Lifting Costs

Considering the costs for dynamic lifting application, there are several advantages to having this application done in Turkey, which is almost an attraction centre for health tourism. List of these advantages:

  • In comparison to other developed countries, the costs are significantly lower.
  • Internationally respected doctors who are experts in their field.
  • It's a culturally and historically rich region that's also a great place for vacation.
  • Clinics with extensive international experience as a result of their international recognition.
  • Clinic equipped with the latest technology.

These are just a few of the benefits available in Turkey for both the French lift application and general health tourism. You can apply to Attelia Health Tour in Antalya right away to get the most out of these benefits. From the moment you contact us, not only your health practices, we plan processes such as your flight ticket, VIP transfers between airport/clinic, cultural tours, and all other details of your holiday. Get a free offer right now to crack the door to both your aesthetic practices and a wonderful holiday filled with 100% customer satisfaction and comfort!