Revision rhinoplasty is a surgery performed to correct asymmetrical problems that may occur in the nose after traditional aesthetic rhinoplasty. After rhinoplasty, some aesthetic problems may occur in patients from time to time during the recovery period after surgery. Therefore, as can be seen from the name of the surgery, aesthetic surgeries in which two or more surgical procedures are performed after rhinoplasty are called "revision rhinoplasty" surgery. 

Why is aesthetic rhinoplasty performed?

After aesthetic rhinoplasty, there can basically always be aesthetic problems in the person's nose. The reasons that lead to situations that require revision after rhinoplasty are usually the following:

  • Flexion and flattening of the nose after surgery,
  • Asymmetry problems,
  • Functional problems such as blocked nose,
  • That the visual result is not as desired by the person,
  • Blows or accidents during the healing process.

Not only can such problems be points that the doctor overlooked, but aesthetic changes can occur over time even with a flawless operation. Before undergoing rhinoplasty, patients should be made aware by the doctor of any issues that may need revision. After the person who wants to undergo rhinoplasty is aware of such problems in advance, the procedure is started. 

Is revision rhinoplasty risky?

The risks of revision rhinoplasty are not problematic as they are communicated to the person by the specialist. There may be some risks if the plastic surgeon does not fully understand the patient's expectations of the rhinoplasty and prefers the wrong techniques. However, it is possible to eliminate these risks involved in rhinoplasty at the end of the treatment process. However, for people who want to undergo rhinoplasty, it is beneficial to choose doctors and clinics after thorough research.

Revision nose tip surgery

Revision nose tip surgery is one of the most common reasons for such applications. This is because in cases where the tip of the nose does not have the desired appearance, aesthetic post-corrective procedures of the tip of the nose are performed. The tip of the nose is the most important part that determines the shape of the face, as it completely changes the profile of the person. Therefore, if a problem occurs at the tip of the nose or the first surgery does not meet the expectations of the person, a revision rhinoplasty is initiated immediately. 

When is a nose reshaping performed?

The timing of the revision nose surgery is a situation that the specialist and the person decide together. A waiting period of 1 year is recommended to determine the extent of the surgery. In exceptional cases, when determining the revision timing for rhinoplasty, the surgery is started in a shorter time for those who cannot wait for a period of almost 1 year. Since there are many different variables in determining the timing of rhinoplasty revisions, the plastic surgeon's decision in this regard is important. 

How often is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty is repeated at least once. If the person who previously underwent rhinoplasty has repeated surgery, the rhinoplasty will begin again. Since the main purpose of plastic surgery is not limited to solving functional problems in the nose, it also requires the visual satisfaction of the person. To achieve a natural result, rhinoplasty can be performed several times. 

For whom is rhinoplasty not suitable?

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most performed aesthetic surgeries. However, for people under 18 years of age who have not yet completed their physical development, revision rhinoplasty cannot be performed.