





Advanced & Innovative Techniques with High Graft & Competitive Prices in Turkey

Hair transplantation is a completely safe, permanent and natural operation applied to people who have thinning hair due to hair loss or who have lost their hair and become bald. A high number of grafts can be transplanted in line with the patient's expectations and needs.

We perform the highest number of graft transplantation that can be transplanted with the latest technology equipment.

With our advanced technologies and experienced team of specialist physicians, we offer hair transplantation treatment in Turkey to our patients from various countries of the world at very competitive costs. We take the hair transplantation procedure to the next level and combine it with a unique holiday in Antalya, Turkey's tourism paradise.The most permanent application for hair thinning and baldness in the forehead or upper part of your head is hair transplantation treatment.

  • High Number of Grafts
  • Micro Pigmentation
  • Non-Surgical Solutions
  • Eyebrow Transplant
  • Beard Transplant
  • Female Hair Solutions

Hair Transplant Privileges in Turkey

We are truly happy to say that our international patients are very valuable for us. We invested everything to meet all of your expectations as much as possible. Send us a form to get quote and meet our team who are eager to assist you.

  • New Generation Hair Transplant Techniques
  • More Frequent and Intensive Hair Transplantation Opportunity
  • Free VIP Transfer Service

  • Local Anesthesia Option
  • Shorter Healing Process than Other Techniques
  • Shaved or Unshaved Hair Transplant Options

  • Well Prepared Tourism & Health Packages
  • Amazing Attractions in Antalya
  • Free Accommodation & Tour Opportunities in Some Packages
  • Discounted Accomodation, Cultural Tours & Activities
  • Covid Secure & Hygenic Treatment
  • High Standards in Treatments With Lower Cost

(Would you like to find out all your costs for free right away? We'll usually let you know your total cost within the same day.)

Hair Transplantation in Turkey

With our advanced technologies and experienced team of specialist physicians, we offer hair transplantation treatment in Turkey to our patients from various countries of the world at very competitive costs. We take the hair transplantation procedure to the next level and combine it with a unique holiday in Antalya, Turkey's tourism paradise.
The most permanent application for hair thinning and baldness in the forehead or upper part of your head is hair transplantation treatment.

With the assurance of the “Attelia Health Tour” brand, which puts the most technological and worldwide accepted hair transplantation techniques as well as procedures determined by the T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism into use at the highest level, we perform the hair transplantation treatment in cooperation with our professional partner physicians. Our dermatologists, plastic surgeons and expert staff are at your service for hair transplantation in our clinic in Antalya. From the moment you get a quote, we will be pleased to serve you with the most professional and customer-oriented solutions for all your needs. Get a free quote now and experience an unforgettable health holiday accompanied by the historical texture of Antalya.

What is the Hair Transplantation and How Is It Done?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that provides a permanent, natural solution for people who have thinning hair as a result of hair loss problem or who have lost their hair completely and become bald. It refers to the transplantation of healthy hair follicles of the person to the points where the hair follicle loses its activity by micro-surgical methods. Hair loss may occur due to one or more factors. Genetic factors, dietary habits, vitamin deficiency, use of some drugs, chemotherapy processes, depression, cosmetic factors and hormonal disorders are some of these factors. From a hormonal point of view, DHT hormone, which has been determined to be directly proportional to baldness and hair thinning, plays an important role in this problem. DHT hormone, which occurs as a result of the combination of testosterone and a different enzyme, can begin to be secreted from the birth of men. It is important to keep it in balance, as its abnormal increase or decrease causes some problems. In other words, when this hormone, also known as Dihydrotestosterone, decreases, it can cause problems such as baldness and hairlessness in certain parts of the body. The hair follicles taken are not always taken from the head of the patient. Even if the healthy and strong roots in the nape part are preferred, the hairs taken from other parts of the body such as the chest and arm can also be used for hair transplantation if the patient does not have enough hair in the nape. The density of hair plays an important role in determining which type of hair implantation will be made and the way to be followed. Different procedures can be applied in cases of baldness or hair thinning.

In addition to being a surgical procedure that has been performed since the 1800s, modern hair transplantation was first applied in Japan in the 1930s to perform eyebrow and eyelash transplants. It was not easy for this modern technique to become widespread in Japan, which was isolated at that time, and this procedure was applied only in Japan for a while. Of course, with today’s developing and changing technology, techniques that give much faster, painless and successful results have been discovered. Hair transplantation is an important surgical procedure and should only be performed by competent specialists. However, it should be noted here that it is not enough for the physician to be a professional and competent specialist alone. Important factors such as the compliance of the clinic with sterilization and hygiene standards and having the necessary technological equipment are some of the requirements for this procedure. At the same time, some situations may require dermatologists and plastic surgeons to work together. There are some procedures to be followed while performing a hair transplantation. When we examine the stages of hair transplantation, we can see that it is a procedure with 4 to 5 stages.

What are the Stages of Hair Transplantation in our Clinic in Turkey?

Evaluation and Planning Before Hair Transplantation;

In the first consultation, first of all, correct examinations and analyses should be made. Every person's hair style, skin structure and hair density are different. First of all, procedures such as the patient's blood analysis and scalp structure analysis are performed, in order to find answers to questions such as which methods will be preferred and how many sessions the procedure will take. At this point, the density of hair is also taken into consideration.

Determination of Hairline;

One of the most important points in hair transplantation procedure is to accurately determine the hairline. It is of vital importance in terms of aesthetic appearance. At this stage, it should be determined in consultation with the patient, without disturbing the natural limits of the person, by considering genetic characteristics and demographic factors such as age and gender. The forehead hairline is of great importance for a natural appearance. As Attelia Health Tour, we attach big importance to this line, which you will see every time you look in the mirror. It will be determined in the most accurate way by our specialist physicians by providing a certain amount of symmetry. It is one of the critical stages of cosmetic hair transplantation.

Hair Extraction from Donor Area;

After the medical examination of the patient is carried out, the method is decided and the hairline is determined, it is time to extract the healthy hair follicles. Hair follicles are extracted from the area referred to as the donor area with FUE procedure under local anaesthesia and/or sedation (it depends on the analysis carried out in the first step). Being put under local anaesthesia for follicles, the patient does not feel any pain or ache. Being aware of the sensitivity of our patients in this regard, we ensure that they do not feel any pain and ache. At this point, the number of grafts extracted and to be extracted is important. Concepts such as 5,000 grafts or 7,000 grafts refer to the number of hair follicles to be extracted. This is also determined as a result of the medical analysis. All points in this procedure should proceed in a planned and compatible way.
The extraction of hair follicles are carried out without any surgical procedure thanks to the advanced technology devices and equipment. If the hair follicles to be extracted by the nape are insufficient, they can be extracted from different places such as the shoulders and chest to perform transplant.

Hair Distribution and Determination of Hair Planting Places;

Although certain studies have been carried out before, it is the stage where the determination of where the hair density will be, where and at what density the hair implantation will be done is confirmed. With the guidance of our cosmetologist, channels are opened in some places on the head with the latest generation technological equipment in order to carry out the procedure in a healthy way, after reaching a consensus with the patient on this issue. These millimetrically adjusted channels will also play a important role in determining the shape of the hair. After it is made ready for hair planting, the transplantation procedure begins.

Transplantation Procedure;

This is the last stage of the surgical procedure. The grafts placed into the opened small channels are transferred in the most accurate way. At this point, it is important that this procedure is performed by a competent specialist; because even the direction of the hair gives a clue about its naturalness. In times when technology was insufficient, the problem of "grass man" occurred after hair transplantation operations. As long as you are treated in a competent clinic, it is not possible for you to be aware of this problem.

Hair Transplant Methods Applied in Our Clinic in Turkey

From past to present, different hair transplantation methods have been developed throughout history. The developing and changing technology in the field of hair transplantation has always been positive, as in almost all medical literature. Efficiency has increased in new techniques that reduce pain, ache and complications. We apply the most modern hair transplantation methods in our clinic in Turkey. Factors such as your expectations and genetic characteristics, the vital process of your scalp play a role in determining which method is more suitable for you. One of the other criteria affecting this situation is related to the degree of baldness or hair thinning. The method to be determined may also vary depending on the thinning level of your hair. Regardless of the hair transplantation method to be applied, it is extremely important that the treatment is applied by a specialist plastic surgeon and dermatologist. You can be sure that our hair transplant specialists will guide you in the most accurate way.

Hair Transplantation with the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Method 

It is one of the most preferred and used methods in hair transplantation. FUE stands for "Follicular Unit Extraction". It is an internationally accepted technique that was developed in the early 2000s and started to be implemented in about 2005. 

The FUE technique refers to the procedure of extracting hair follicles and placing them in the area to perform transplant without making an incision on the body and without creating any scars. During the extraction of hair follicles, no scalpel is used, no incisions and stitches are made in the scalp. After the appropriate amount of hair is extracted from the donor area, it is placed in the area to be transplanted by opening small channels. The important thing here is that the transplanted hair follicles should be the same size.
The procedure takes 6-8 hours on average and 3000-5000 grafts of hair can be transplanted in a single session, depending on the situation. Before the operation, the patient's hair should be cut. The donor area of the patient whose hair is completely cut is locally anesthetized. Grafts are collected from the donor area with a special device called a micro motor. It is important that the people who apply the FUE technique are competent specialists in their own field, the hair should not be damaged during the graft extraction. In addition, the grafts extracted should be kept in tubes containing special liquid; otherwise it will start to lose its vitality in a short time. During the transplantation phase, local anaesthesia is applied again, but this time to the place where transplantation is performed. After the channels for hair transplantation are created, the grafts are placed in the channels using special needles called “punch”. Compared to other techniques, the healing process is a shorter in this method.

Hair Transplantation with SAPPHIRE FUE Method

Hair transplantation with the FUE method applied by the use of sapphire material, which is much more compatible with the scalp and human skin, is called Sapphire FUE. This method is known as the today’s most advanced hair transplantation technique.

In the FUE method, special sapphire tips are used instead of the metal slit tips used as a standard. Sapphire FUE is not a completely different and new technique. It is an upper version of the FUE method, which is already one of the today’s most preferred methods. The use of sapphire material for the channels to be opened in the hair follicles allows the opening of channels at a much more precise level, shortens the healing process and reduces crust formation. Let's list the advantages:

  • It is anti-bacterial.
  • It ensures that the vibration is lower and thus tissue and skin traumas are observed to a lesser extent.
  • It provides a more frequent and more intense hair transplant experience, thereby providing a more aesthetically beautiful and natural appearance.
  • During and after the operation, patient’s comfort is higher in every sense.
  • The healing process is faster and the level of trauma is lower.
  • It is not possible for the hair follicles to become displaced or to lose their natural angle and appearance.

Even though the FUE technique is a very successful technique in every respect, there is always a better option. The standard FUE technique, combined with the benefits of sapphire material, makes a positive impact on the treatment in every sense. Thanks to the use of Sapphire FUE technique, you can achieve natural-looking hair in the healthiest way.

Hair Transplantation with DHI (Direct Hair Transplant) Technique

DHI stands for Direct Hair Transplant and has common points with the FUE method. It follows the same path as FUE in the graft extraction phase, but hair transplantation is different from FUE technique. In the DHI method, a pen called "choi implanter" is used. This special choi pen makes a difference in the transplantation phase. In the DHI treatment method, there is no need to shave the transplantation area. In other techniques, you need to cut your hair in general, while the DHI technique does not need it. For this reason, it is a method frequently preferred by women.

The Choi pen, on the one hand, opens channels in the places where the transplantation will be made, on the other hand, places the grafts in these channels. Thanks to this pen, which can perform two applications at the same time, the process is made simpler. It is generally preferred when there is no need to collect too many grafts, 1000-3000 grafts can be collected in a single session (please get detailed information about this). For this reason, this procedure is mainly used for patients who are completely bold or with very thin hair.


What are the advantages of this procedure?

  • Since opening channels and placement of hair follicles are done at the same time, it allows hair follicles in the forehead to be placed without waiting for a long time.
  • After the treatment, a natural appearance is achieved.
  • It enables to perform a dense hair transplantation.
  • Thanks to the Choi pen, there is no loss of hair follicles as they are immediately transplanted without wasting any time.
  • This procedure does not cause any damage to existing hair.
  • The healing process is quite fast.


What are the Differences between DHI Method and FUE Method and Their Advantages and Disadvantages?

Both of them are accepted methods in accordance with international standards and they have common points. Even if both procedures are the same in the beginning, they differ in the hair transplantation part from each other. If we examine the differences between these two successful methods:

  • The number of grafts that can be transplanted in a single session is higher in the FUE method.
  • In the DHI method, the healing process is shorter and almost no bleeding occurs in this procedure.
  • In the FUE technique, the hair must be cut. On the other hand, in the DHI method, it is sufficient to shave only the area to be grafted.
  • The cost of the DHI method is slightly higher due to the devices used.

If you have any questions about these two methods or much more, you can contact us immediately. Our experts will guide you.


Hair Transplantation with FUT (follicular unit transplantation) - Not Recommended

FUT stands for “follicular unit transplantation”. The hair, which is generally removed as a band from a safe area such as the patient’s nape, is separated into its roots by microscopic methods. It is not possible to say that this method, which has been applied since the 1930s, is an up-to-date method. We do not recommend this method in our clinic. When we look at the disadvantages of the FUT method:

  • It is an uncomfortable procedure.
  • It is more likely for you to feel ache and pain and their severity may be higher.
  • It can leave scars on the scalp and does not create an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  • Hair on other parts of the body cannot be used.
  • With this procedure, sufficient success in may not be achieved, especially in short hair styles.

Hair Transplant Packages in Turkey

Turkey has become a centre of attraction for hair transplantation. It is a country that is frequently preferred because it has internationally awarded and respected physicians, has the latest generation technological equipment and offers an advanced health tourism and very affordable costs, compared to other countries. There are other benefits of getting a hair transplant in Turkey.

We do not see hair transplant treatment as just a health operation. From the moment you made a decision on this operation, we provide you with support in every aspect. This is not a health operation, but also a travel experience. This is where hair transplant packages come into play in Turkey. At this point, we recommend you to take a look at hair transplant packages in Turkey. We ensure that you spend a pleasant time in Antalya, a popular tourism destination accepted by the whole country and the world. In our clinic in Antalya, you can immediately get a free quote for private tour guides, rafting and diving activities and much more.

  • Discounted flight tickets
  • Discounted transfer service. FREE transfer with VIP vehicles between the airport and the hotel as well as between the hotel and the clinic.
  • Discounted accommodation and free accommodation in some packages
  • 4-star and 5-star modern hotels according to your preference
  • Consultation and check-up – for FREE
  • An interpreter speaking in your mother language for every session in our clinic - for FREE
  • You can have a pleasant time by participating in cultural tours and daily activities that we will prepare for you.


Hair Transplant Costs in Turkey

Hair transplant costs in Turkey are much more affordable than in other European countries or America, although modern treatment techniques are used. This is due to the costs and exchange rate balance in Turkey. Another reason is the high competition. In Turkey, you can have the operation performed at a 60-70% cheaper price, compared to prices in the UK. Turkey is one of the most popular destinations in the world in terms of health tourism, and both its doctors and clinics are of proven quality all over the world. As the Attelia Health Tour brand, we focus entirely on the health and comfort of our patients and ensure 100% customer satisfaction by using the highest quality materials. Whether it is hair transplant, eyebrow or beard transplant, it is possible to perform all of them very safely and at very affordable prices, accompanied by an expert team.
In addition, we as Attelia Health Tour promise you a completely different journey. From your transportation to your accommodation, from city tours to diving spots, from boat tours to ski activities, we have thought of every detail you need for your comfort and high-quality experience. Get a free quote now and get ready for an unforgettable hair transplant experience!

Does Hair Transplant Cause Any Pain or Ache?

Thanks to the advanced technology, it is possible to say that the pain and ache during the operation is close to zero. The patient does not feel any pain as local anaesthesia is applied in the donor area where the graft is extracted and in areas where the grafts are placed after opening channels. If deemed necessary as a result of the analyses, sedation can also be applied. As a result of these procedures putting the patient to sleep, no pain or ache is felt although the patient is not asleep.
Of course, each patient's pain threshold is different. As Attelia Health Tour team, we apply treatment procedures according to your personal characteristics, so we perform the procedures local anaesthesia or sedation in accordance with this threshold. It is normal to feel very low level of pains during the recovery phase as a result of hair transplantation. You don't have to worry about it. Even if an exceptional situation occurs, our physicians will prescribe the necessary medicines and relieve your pain. However, since the pain in this healing process is very low level of pain, it does not require much intervention.

Reaction and Care Process after Hair Transplantation;

You have reached our clinic in Antalya for the hair transplant operation, a successful operation was performed by our physicians. So, what happens next? The next reaction and care process in hair transplantation operations is as important as the operation. Our plastic surgeons and dermatologists, who are specialized in their own fields, will guide you in this process, but nevertheless, we find it useful to provide a preliminary information for anyone who is curious about these procedures.

3rd Day after Hair Transplant Operation;

It is recommended to rest after the operation. During this period, you should avoid activities such as weight lifting and combat sports that will damage your hair strands. You should avoid situations such as weather conditions where your scalp may be sensitive and taking a shower with very cold/very hot water. You should apply the special creams and care set prescribed to you correctly.

10th Day after Hair Transplant Operation;

A crusty appearance occurs in the hair transplant area and donor area. You do not have to worry about it. It is a sign that the scalp and roots have healed. This stage is certainly not a difficult stage. You can clean the crusts by washing them with a cotton pad and making small touches.

First Month after Hair Transplant Operation;

Your hair is almost ready to return to normal life. It is possible to do simple sports exercises such as conditioning runs. During this period, a process called shock hair loss may occur, but it does not last for a long time. Your hair strands may continue to shed without damaging the hair follicles or skin, but the shedding slows down.

Third Month after Hair Transplant Operation;

During this period, the hair begins to grow and come out from its roots gradually. It is one of the beautiful periods when we start to get results. Necessary care should be maintained without neglecting hair care and getting complacent. In this process, you can contact your clinic and evaluate the situation.

Sixth Month after Hair Transplant Operation;

The rate of hair regrowth continues to increase in this period. The hair that has grown so far may not look very thick or strong in form, but this situation will soon change.

First Year after Hair Transplant Operation;

Your patience has now paid off! It has been exactly one year after your successful operation at Attelia Health Tour, and now you have healthy, strong and aesthetically beautiful hair. Every time you look in the mirror, you will see on your face the happiness of being patient and making the right choice. You can work to strengthen your hair follicles during this period, our clinic will inform you about this. Even if the 1-year period has ended, your hair may continue to grow little by little. Congratulations!
Complications That May Occur in Hair Transplant Operations not performed by Competent Physicians and in an Appropriate Environment
As a surgical treatment, hair transplantation is an operation that requires aesthetic expertise. It is a very exceptional that it poses any problem when it is carried out with sufficient technological equipment in the presence of experienced and dexterous hands. However, operations performed in clinics that do not have sufficient expertise and experience or do not have sufficient technological equipment can lead to disaster. The complications that may occur in the hair transplant operation are as follows:

- Infection: It is a situation that rarely occurs in hair transplant operations. Hygiene and sterilization should be ensured in the clinic. If infection occurs, it will be treated with antibiotics.

- Bleeding: Bleeding may occur in the areas where the grafts are extracted or placed. In order to avoid this complication, the patient's blood profile should be examined and correctly evaluated before starting the treatment. If drugs that are likely to increase bleeding are used, they should be discontinued before treatment. Our specialist physicians will start the operation by evaluating your profile and results.

- Scar Tissue Formation: It is a complication that is generally seen in the FUT method. It is mostly seen in the grafted parts. It can be seen if poor technique is used or the skin structure tends to form these tissues in operations performed with the FUT method, which is an outdated method that we do not recommend in our clinic.

- Loss of Sensation in the Donor Area: It is a complication that can be seen in the FUT method, and it can be overcome with the appropriate treatment process.

- Non-Aesthetic Growing Hair: It is one of the problems that can be experienced if the hair transplant treatment is not performed by a specialist physician. Hair transplanted at the wrong angle or with the wrong technique can grow independently of each other and look bad.